GDR IG-RV PhD Award 2023


With the support of the SIF, the IG-RV GdR and the associations AFIG and EGFR have decided to propose an IG-RV thesis award. This prize's objective is to reward an excellent thesis from the IG-RV GdR community each year. Up to two accessits can also be awarded. The interest is twofold: for the young PhDs concerned, this prize will bring visibility to their work and a recognition of the GoR community for the excellence of the results. For the GdR community, this award will make the first-class work resulting from our research themes very widely visible.

The disciplinary scope of the award is that of the Geometric and Graphic Computing, Virtual Reality, and Visualization Group and its working groups. Each year, starting in 2017, the jury of the GdR thesis award will propose the winner and the two accessits to the steering committee of the GdR for validation. 


Results for the PhD award 2023


Thibault Tricard (Inria, Université de Lorraine) for his thesis "Procedural noises for the design of small-scale structures in Additive Manufacturing" under the supervision of Sylvain Lefebvre and Didier Rouxel. [Thesis][Video]

Accessits :

Anne-Laure Guinet (Université Evry-Paris-Saclay)  for his thesis "Retours sensoriels multimodaux en réalité augmentée pour la rééducation de la marche des enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale" under the supervision of  Samir Otmane, Guillaume Bouyer and Eric Desailly. [Thesis][Video]

François Protais (Inria, Université de Lorraine)  for his thesis "Maillage à dominante Polycube" under the supervision of  Dmitry Sokolov and Franck Ledoux. [Thesis][Video]

The 2023 jury was organized by Loïc Barthe and Guillaume Cordonnier. The members are: Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Bruno Levy, Tamy Boubekeur, Eric Galin, Yvonne Jansen, Daniel Mestre.


 Timeline 2023

  • 01/03/2023: submission deadline
  • April-May: first sort by the Ph.D. award jury
  • June: final decision and publication of the results

For applicants who defended their Ph.D. between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022,  the following will be required : 

  • a CV (2 pages maximum) ;
  • a list of publications ;
  • the Ph.D. thesis manuscript;
  • the reports of the reviewers (rapporteurs) ; 
  • the report of the defense; 


Loïc Barthe and Guillaume Cordonnier

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Chairs of the Ph.D. award of the GDR IG-RV

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